Career Planning and Job Search Supports
Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation helps Manitobans prepare for, find and keep employment, including support for training to meet labour market needs.
A wide range of employment and training services are offered through our 13 MJSD Centres situated throughout Manitoba as well as through partnerships with community-based organizations and employers.
Do you want help finding or exploring career options?
Do you need information on employment and training opportunities?
Are you looking for new employees?
Do you have employees at risk of being laid off?
Are you looking to start your own business?
Upcoming Events
Click the calendar to see the events listed:
Career Related Resource Links
Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation - provides employment services across Manitoba including employment needs assessment, employment/career counselling, and referrals to community agencies, job search assistance, computer access, and additional employment services.
Adult Learning and Literacy - has information on improving your literacy skills, the Mature Student Diploma and the GED.
Post-Secondary Education - is your link to post-secondary and adult-focused programs & services.
Private Vocational Institutions - the purpose of this website is to provide information to those seeking to register a private vocational institution and for prospective and current students.
Apprenticeship Manitoba - with apprenticeship, you are paid to learn valuable, in-demand skills on your way to a rewarding career in the skilled trades. On this website, you will find out what apprenticeship has to offer from real people involved in the skilled trades. Read their blogs to follow them on their journey, as they share their experiences getting hands-on training in actual workplaces.
Manitoba Labour Market Outlook - identifies expected trends for the labour market based on an occupation forecasting model that projects labour market demand and supply for Manitoba occupations.
Manitoba Sector Councils - supports organizations in key Manitoba sectors to develop and deliver workforce training for new and existing employees to support businesses.
Government of Canada - Job Bank - is Canada’s national employment service. Services include job search, career planning, career quizzes and trend analysis.
Manitoba Career Prospects - is a career exploration program connecting educators, school counsellors, parents and youth with Manitoba business and industry.
Related Links:
Manitoba Student Aid - find out how to apply for financial assistance for post-secondary studies in the form of loans, bursaries and grants for eligible applicants.
Career Development | Manitoba Education - is your link to Career Development Education for Kindergarten-12 students and parents.
A Self-Managed Career Portfolio Guide | Manitoba Education - students are provided step-by-step instruction on how to put together a career portfolio.
Workplace Education Manitoba - learn about best practices for workplace Essential Skills consultation, assessment and training.
Visit your local Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre to learn more about Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation!